Walk, Bike 'n Bus to School


The interactive map showing both the eastbound and westbound bike train routes and the schedule can be found at the following link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1_iKFgpylFeWeN9eNaVxt0IzmaPiH91i9&hl=en&ll=42.44746845340414%2C-71.2355312640653&z=14 


If your child(ren) is interested in participating in the Hastings Bike Train, please use the following google form to register: https://forms.gle/1niu517oSQeZmxsD9


Please contact Jon Schwarz at: js@jschwarz.com for more information or with any questions.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 8:20am
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 8:20am
Wednesday, June 7, 2023 8:20am